Understanding Iron Overload – Is too much iron bad? Why? What do I do about it?

Low iron is more common than high iron, but high iron is more dangerous and less obviously symptomatic than low iron. Not finding high iron early enough could shorten your life.

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Abnormal normalcy may be killing you. #functionalmedicine #inflammation #chronicdisease #health

If you are suffering with chronic symptoms that are not improving you (and/or your doctor) may be approaching your case wrong. Try a different perspective. Perhaps the cause to your suffering and the reason for your lack of results is an normal process happening for an abnormal amount of time (or intensity).

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Hot Flashes – Natural strategies for elimination

Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms experienced by women in perimenopause and post menopause. If you don’t want hormone replacement therapy, conventional medicine doesn’t have much to offer you.

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Diagnosis is failing you. #functionalmedicine #health #chronicdisease

If you are suffering from a chronic disease and your care isn’t helping you, it is because your diagnosis is failing you. It’s time to move beyond the tyranny of the diagnosis.

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Understanding “Hangry” blood sugar symptoms – When should you eat? How much? Can you snack?

If you go too long without eating do you get shaky, irritable, light-headed, anxious, nauseous, or a headache? If so, you are likely experiencing “hangry” symptoms. Here’s what to do about it.

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Healthy Microbiome = Healthy Human #health #microbiome #guthealth #probiotics #shorts

You cannot be a healthy human if you do not have healthy bugs. If you are scared of germs, you cannot be healthy.

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Boost immunity through infection. #hormesis #functionalmedicine #health #immunity #immunitybooster

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. This is the lay definition of hormesis. And it applies to your immune system just as much as it does to building muscle in the gym.

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Terrain theory trumps Germ theory – #health #functionalmedicine #truth #shorts

We’ve known since 1892 that if you are scared of germs, you are living a lie. The germ theory is not what dictates your state of health or disease. The terrain theory does.

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) healed with Functional Medicine

Many people suffering with POTS are failed by the conventional cookie cutter approach of beta-blocker medication and salt water. Once these treatments don’t help, the doctor has nothing further to offer and the person continues to suffer. Rather than using a pharmaceutical band-aid, Functional Medicine finds and addresses the cause, which allows you to return to a #LifeAtOptimal

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.

Your golden ticket to healing – #health #functionalmedicine #natural

“That’s the smartest thing I’ve heard a doctor say in the last year.” -Dave

What did I say to Dave that was so smart?

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.