Low Sex Drive In Women Age 30+
Are you a 30+ year old woman with low sex drive and you don’t know why?
Are you the spouse of one of these women and wish their sex drive would improve? There is a big role for you to play.
Today’s episode is an expert interview with Dr. Abbie Ballard discussing all the possible influences to women’s low sex drive; from physiological (sex hormones) to psychological to relational.
Add 13 Years to your Life Expectancy for Free
The US is at the bottom of the barrel in terms of life expectancy among first world countries. Why?
In a word, Lifestyle.
Research has revealed drug-free, lifestyle-based strategies that if implemented as a nation would quickly elevate our average life expectancy.
Endometriosis Driven by Infection
Endometriosis is a multifactorial condition that causes intense menstrual pain and infertility.
Many people think it is all about hormones. As discussed on today’s episode, research proves that is not the case. Infection is a large contributor to Endometriosis.
Oxygen as an Anti-Inflammatory
Everyone knows we need oxygen to live, but did you know oxygen is a key anti-inflammatory?
Did you know oxygen is key for proper immune system function?
Asthma Inhalers May Worsen Asthma Disease Long-Term
Asthma is considered to be a disease of Th2 Immune Dominance the majority of the time. Inhalers utilize corticosteroids and/or epinephrine to treat asthma symptoms. Corticosteroids and epinephrine are Th2 promoters. Do you see the potential problem?…
8 Symptoms of Leaky Gut
Gut complaints are SUPER common in clinical practice. Leaky Gut is also known as Intestinal Permeability and is a common driver of Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Stomach Pain, and/or IBS.
There are many systemic symptoms that can be caused by leaky gut that most people wouldn’t associate with it:
Food Allergies Autoimmune Disease Fatigue Mood Disorders Etc
Anxiety and OCD Causes
Anxiety and/or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be crippling health challenges that are not dealt with very well by the mainstream medical model. Today’s episode dives in to many of the different possible causes of anxiety and/or OCD.
Anxiety and OCD Causes
Anxiety and/or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be crippling health challenges that are not dealt with very well by the mainstream medical model. Today’s episode dives in to many of the different possible causes of anxiety and/or OCD.
Low Copper Consequences
Insufficient or deficient copper levels can result in a myriad of symptoms that could easily be brushed off as unrelated. This makes copper insufficiency/deficiency a commonly overlooked issue that may be contributing to your iron issues, immune issues, fatigue issues, etc.