Controlling the Inflammation of Autoimmune Disease.mp3

Controlling the Inflammation of Autoimmune Disease.mp3

Do you suffer with an autoimmune disease?  Do you know someone who does?  Did you know that there are better ways to support immune system health than steroid drugs like Prednisone?

Instead of putting a band-aid on, why not address the cause of autoimmunity.  How?  Listen to find out.

CDC Autism-Vaccine Cover Up

CDC Autism-Vaccine Cover Up

CDC Autism-Vaccine Cover Up

A huge story has been unraveling over the last week involving the CDC’s cover up of evidence showing causation between MMR vaccines and autism.  Of course the mainstream media hasn’t said a word because they are controlled by Big Pharma and Big Government.  Check out today’s Podcast to get the facts of the story, beginning with the CDC “Whistleblower” and continuing on to the collusion between government and Big Pharma.  Your family’s health depends on you knowing the truth.

Inflammation and Leaky Gut

Inflammation and Leaky Gut

Inflammation and Leaky Gut

Today we build on what we established regarding Nuclear Factor-kB and Inflammation in the episode on Hormone Imbalance.  This episode dives deeper into the global affects of NF-kB on health, including:

Leaky GutLiver DetoxificationImmune DysfunctionAutoimmunity

Do you suffer from chronic inflammation and Leaky Gut?  This episode will set you down a path toward recovery.

Vitamin D and Chronic Disease

Vitamin D and Chronic Disease

Vitamin D and Chronic Disease

Over the last 10 years there has been an explosion of research into Vitamin D and it’s effects on health.  In today’s episode, Dr. John Bartemus will review a brand new study that presents a paradigm of Vitamin D that is counter to what we have come to believe.  It challenges the thought that Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, Diabetes, etc cause you to have low Vitamin D.  It also presents a new hypothesis on the cause of chronic inflammation and the diseases associated with it.  This could be a huge paradigm shift for you.  Listen in and let us know!

What Causes Hormone Problems?

What Causes Hormone Problems?

What Causes Hormone Problems?

In this episode, Dr. John Bartemus answers a listener’s question regarding hormone issues and their causes.  This is a great episode to learn about the fundamental causes of hormone imbalances and how you can address them.  Before chasing after the sexy problems of thyroid dysfunction, pituitary dysfunction, etc, you would be smart to first check on the physiological fundamentals.  What are those?  Listen in to find out.


What is Functional Medicine?

What is Functional Medicine?

What is Functional Medicine?

Dr. John Bartemus explains the What, Why, Who, and Where of Functional Medicine.Our mainstream medical model has failed us.  The promise of the magic bullet cure has been nothing more than a pipe dream for years, yet marketing continues to keep the dream alive, all the while creating a Sick Care system.  If you are fed up with the one size fits all diagnostic algorithms of the mainstream medical model, it is time to educate yourself about the Functional Medicine paradigm.  Functional Medicine looks at you as the unique biochemical and physiological individual that you are.  Functional Medicine discovers YOUR specific cause to YOUR specific health challenge and then creates and individualized, patient-centered plan to help you optimize your health.