Gluten Sensitivity is REAL!

Gluten Sensitivity is REAL!

Many doctors in mainstream medicine believe that gluten is harmless unless you have Celiac Disease or an IgE Wheat Allergy.  Holistic clinicians and patients have observed otherwise clinically for years.  Brand new research now confirms what Holistic clinicians and their patients have known and experienced…Glute Sensitivity is REAL!  Now we have objective lab markers to prove it.

What Causes Low Testosterone?

What Causes Low Testosterone?

“Low T” is an ever growing complaint/diagnosis that men are entering my practice with.  What is driving this increase in decreased T?  Are testosterone injections the best answer for these men?  What is the best way to evaluate testosterone to get the clearest clinical picture?  How do lifestyle factors like sleep, nutrition, and exercise affect testosterone levels?  What about genetics?

Vaxxed – The MMR Vaccine and Causal Association with Autism

Vaxxed – The MMR Vaccine and Causal Association with Autism

The movie Vaxxed, directed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, is a must see.  If you are a parent and you vaccinate your children, you want to see this movie before giving them the MMR vaccine.  There is a scientifically validated reason why the pharmaceutical companies do not want you to see this movie.  That same reason is why they pressured Robert De Niro to remove the film from the Tribeca Film Festival.  Go see it!

Therapeutic Laser for Chronic Pain, Hashimoto’s, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Brain Injury

Therapeutic Laser for Chronic Pain, Hashimoto’s, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Brain Injury

Therapeutic Laser for Chronic Pain, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Brain Injury

[ctt title=”Is Laser the missing link between your chronic disease and health?” tweet=”#Laser therapy shown to yield significant benefits in #hashimotos #alzheimers #parkinsons and #chronicpain #lifeatoptimal” coverup=”H14dp”] Scientific research continues to document the benefits of therapeutic laser in a wide range of chronic diseases.  There seems to be unlimited potential for laser to benefit chronic disease patients of all kinds.  On my YouTube Channel, I have documented the benefits of laser for Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism and Chronic pain.  I have also detailed the mechanisms of complex ailments such as brain Excitotoxicity, which laser has been proven to significantly reduce. In this podcast epidsode, I share the results and conclusions of the research looking at the significant beneficial impact of laser on these common and escalating chronic diseases.


Infertility – Causes and Treatment from a Functional Medicine Perspective

Infertility – Causes and Treatment from a Functional Medicine Perspective

Infertility – Causes and Treatments from a Functional Medicine Perspective

[ctt title=”Infertility solutions via Functional Medicine” tweet=”#FunctionalMedicine solutions for #infertility ” coverup=”5Gu2U”] Infertility has many causes that mainstream medicine never addresses.  Unless you investigate the possible causes and address what you find, you have no hope of a successful pregnancy.  In this episode, we will cover multiple under-investigated causes of infertility and discuss how to address them.  Issues addressed are thyroid function, autoimmunity, birth control, gut health, and more.  Hear what the latest research has to say on these causes of infertility.


Why Am I So Fat?

Why Am I So Fat?

Do you think that you are fat?  Have you tried losing weight via diet and exercise to no avail?  Does your self-esteem suffer due to your physical makeup?  Before you judge yourself, listen to this podcast episode and learn how you may be healthier than all your skinny friends.

Is Chronic Pain Increasing Your Risk for HIV?

Is Chronic Pain Increasing Your Risk for HIV?

Are you on an Opioid drug such as Percocet, Vicodin, Hydrocodone, etc for chronic pain?  Do you have chronic knee pain, chronic low back pain, etc.?  Do you know your options beside drugs and surgery?  Educating yourself could save your life.

NeuroDevelopmental Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, and Your Child

NeuroDevelopmental Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, and Your Child

Does your child have trouble reading and/or a learning disability?  Does your child a developmental delay?  Did your child skip crawling and go straight to walking?  All of these things could be due to a functional neurologic deficit.  This deficit can be corrected and your child can learn to read, and eliminate the developmental delay.

Excitotoxicity and Brain Symptoms

Excitotoxicity and Brain Symptoms

Do you suffer with symptoms such as migraines, depression, constipation, ADD/ADHD, Dementia, or Brain Fog?  Have you tried medications and alternative treatments without results?  The cause to your problem may be Energy-Linked Excitotoxicity…