Is your “normal” test result a False Negative? Negative biopsy, culture, or blood test may be wrong.

Is your “normal” test result a False Negative? Negative biopsy, culture, or blood test may be wrong.

No diagnostic test is 100% accurate.

All tests have potential for reporting false negatives.

This can lead to unnecessary suffering.

Especially in people with chronic conditions that have seen many doctors who cannot find anything wrong.

Perhaps you are a victim of a false negative…

This podcast is best understood by viewing the graphic below or watching the YouTube version here:

False Negative

Statin drugs are NOT as protective as marketing would have you believe

Statin drugs are NOT as protective as marketing would have you believe

Listen to this episode HERE

Statin drugs are the highest selling class of pharmaceutical drugs of all time.

Yet their success is built on a statistical shell game that amounts to a worldwide lie.

Should you allow your GP to coerce you into taking a statin?

What does the research reveal?

Anti-Aging with Functional Medicine

Anti-Aging with Functional Medicine

Many people slave their whole lives with the goal of retiring and then beginning to live the life of their dreams.

Unfortunately in America, by the time the average person makes it to 55+, they are too unhealthy to live their dream life.

And conventional medicine does not have the tools to help them return to health.

Functional Medicine does.

This episode teaches you how to maximize the quality of your life in your golden years.

Glutathione Breakthrough – novel delivery system raises blood levels in minutes – Interview w/Dr. Nayan Pateal

Glutathione Breakthrough – novel delivery system raises blood levels in minutes – Interview w/Dr. Nayan Pateal

Dr. Nayan Patel is the inventor of a novel nanoparticle technology that allows him to raise your glutathione levels within 45 minutes of use.

This has ground-breaking implications for autoimmune disease, athletic performance, and anti-aging.

Learn more about the technology, the product, and how to get it in this podcast.

You can find the product here:

Helping People Live Their Optimal Life Through a Podcast and a Book

Helping People Live Their Optimal Life Through a Podcast and a Book

Helping People Live Their Optimal Life Through a Podcast and a Book

– Publish. Promote. Profit. with Rob Kosberg Episode 047 Dr. John Bartemus

Listen to this informative Publish. Promote. Profit. episode with Dr. John Bartemus about living your optimal life by looking at the big picture instead of simply treating symptoms.

Here are some of the beneficial topics covered on this week’s show:

  • How autoimmune diseases force us to look at everything we’re exposed to so we can treat them.
  • How our environment and the choices we make contribute to our overall health.
  • How conventional medicine gets it wrong compared to functional medicine.
  • How a book can educate people in a way that a TV spot, or YouTube video can’t.
  • How writing a book gives authors authority and enables them to help others in a way that they couldn’t before.