Meet the Doctor
Dr. John Bartemus is passionate about helping you optimize your physiology and return to a state of health and function. He has experience helping people with autoimmunity, chronic infections, thyroid disorders, etc. Click below to get started:

What Is Functional Medicine?

Address the Cause
Typically patients come to us having been told that everything looks normal based on the standard tests routinely run by their medical doctor (physical examination, urinalysis, blood tests etc.). They know deep down that things are not “normal”…
- Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.
- The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.
- Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and addressing complex, chronic disease. In most cases it does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today’s lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.
- There’s a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous—as long as 50 years—particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness.
- Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, and exercise to both address and prevent these illnesses in their patients.
- Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.
- The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.
- Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and addressing complex, chronic disease. In most cases it does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today’s lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.
- There’s a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous—as long as 50 years—particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness.
- Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, and exercise to both address and prevent these illnesses in their patients.
About Us
John Bartemus, DC, CFMP, BCIM, Author
Dr. John Bartemus has over 15 years of healthcare experience.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease” – Thomas Edison
Dr. John Bartemus is a Chiropractic Physician who strives to meet the standard for health care that Thomas Edison set over a century ago. Now more than ever, our society needs holistic doctors who are devoted to finding the unique cause of each individual person’s issues and correcting it in a natural, drug-free way.
Time and research have shown that more drugs do not equal more health. Our nation is suffering from a burden of chronic disease that is not the result of a deficiency of pharmaceuticals. It is the result of a lack of knowledge as to what our bodies require to be healthy. Our society is built on a magic bullet paradigm, this will never lead to health. Disease did not happen overnight, neither will health.
If you are looking for an objective, evidence-based, holistic integrative health doctor to help you determine the cause of your dysfunction(s) and remove them, Dr. John Bartemus is here to help you.
We strive to provide current, evidence-based care that addresses the cause of your dysfunction.
We aim to:
- Provide hope and solutions for those suffering with chronic ailments
- Provide answers and explanations to “Why Me?”
- Give objective, evidence-based results
- Use testing to determine YOUR specific biochemical and physiologic CAUSE of your ailment
- Promote general wellness for all people and families that desire to live at full potential
- Bachelor of Science – Biology
- Bachelor of Science – Life Sciences
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
- Board Certified Integrative Medicine
- Graduate, American Functional Neurology Institute
- Board Eligible, Diplomate American Clinical Board of Nutrition
- Member, International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehab
- Member, PANDAS Physician’s Network
- Member, NC Integrative Medical Society
- Member, NC Physician’s for Freedom
Functional Medicine Charlotte
If you live in Charlotte, greater Charlotte, or Lake Norman area, you can easily get to our office via Highway 77. We are conveniently located off of exit 28 in Cornelius.
#depersonalization and extreme #socialanxiety solved naturally
This woman could not function in day to day life due to Depersonalization, severe anxiety, and dependence on Ativan to sleep. In less than 6 weeks the Depersonalization was eliminated and she is now out and about in public without need for Ativan or any other medication.
Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H
John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte
Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.
Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease testimonial – #parkinson #parkinsons #healing
This is a 44 year old man who was diagnosed with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease at age 40. He received the standard treatment for Parkinson’s Disease and was sent out the door. Nothing other than medication advice was given to him. He did not improve with 4 years of “standard of care” medicine. In just 6 weeks with Functional Medicine, he is returning to his old self!
See this man’s case workup here: https://youtu.be/36Yv6Pfv_cw
Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H
John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte
Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.
#depersonalization and extreme #socialanxiety solved naturally
This woman could not function in day to day life due to Depersonalization, severe anxiety, and dependence on Ativan to sleep. In less than 6 weeks the Depersonalization was eliminated and she is now out and about in public without need for Ativan or any other medication.
Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H
John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte
Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.
Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease testimonial – #parkinson #parkinsons #healing
This is a 44 year old man who was diagnosed with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease at age 40. He received the standard treatment for Parkinson’s Disease and was sent out the door. Nothing other than medication advice was given to him. He did not improve with 4 years of “standard of care” medicine. In just 6 weeks with Functional Medicine, he is returning to his old self!
See this man’s case workup here: https://youtu.be/36Yv6Pfv_cw
Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H
John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte
Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.
3 Ways to Benefit from the Placebo Effect
The placebo effect is a target of ridicule but studies show it has become increasingly effective in recent years, particularly in the United States, where drugs for pain, depression, anxiety sometimes barely outmatch placebos.
Fortunately, researchers have decided to study how and why the placebo effect works.
By embracing the mystery of the placebo effect, you can harness its powers and to enhance your health protocol or better cope with your ailment.
What is the placebo effect?
Researchers give one group of subjects a new drug or procedure and a different group a sham, then compare the results. Neither group knows which treatment they received. In some studies, the placebo treatment works as well or even better than the real treatment.
1: Use belief to enhance placebo effect
A person’s beliefs and expectations play a profound role in how their body will respond to something. When subjects are told their pain will drop before receiving a placebo, it does. Likewise, when they are told they will experience more pain, they do, even though pain delivery was not increased.
Scans during these experiments show brain activity corresponds with the expected outcome, even though neither pain relief nor increased pain was delivered.
Scientists have also learned that positive expectations release endorphins and dopamine, the “reward” brain chemical. Endorphins dampen inflammation and both endorphins and dopamine help relieve pain.
Spend some time every day reaffirming why you’re on your health journey and what you expect to gain from it. Visualize feeling and functioning better.
2: Receive care and attention to enhance placebo
Increased attention, concern, and care are also believed to be why the placebo effect has become much stronger in recent years. When people take part in these studies, they receive an increased level of interaction and care that positively impacts their health.
Seek out supportive care and nurturing during your health journey. This can be from a practitioner you work with, through body work appointments, or in the company of a support group or class. Make sure these are in person and not just online.
3: Develop a positivity and gratitude practice
Negativity is stressful and inflammatory. Doctors report that patients who are angry, don’t believe their treatment will work, or who are not supported by their friends and family in their healing journey may not experience optimal results.
However, the person who expects the best from their protocol, learns about their new diet and supplements, and enjoys working with their practitioner enjoys less stress and inflammation and better results.
Give some time each day to think positive thoughts about your health journey and what it involves. Keep a daily or weekly gratitude journal and make sure to note your progress. These tips really do help your health!
Remember, it’s the placebo effect and not superstition
Although we’ve all heard miracle healing stories, it’s best not to pin your hopes on one. The placebo effect alone is estimated to work between 18 to 80 percent of the time, which is a wide spread to bank on.
Functional medicine is about creating new lifelong habits as much as it is about restoring function. By injecting the best the placebo effect has to offer into your daily diet and protocol, you are laying the groundwork for a lifetime of more positive outcomes.
Balance and Brain Health
While phone apps and online programs that exercise the brain are popular to improve memory and prevent dementia, most people overlook a key component to lasting brain function: your balance.
Your brain requires good balance to stay sharp and lower the risk of dementia. In addition to doing brain exercises, make sure you regularly challenge and improve your balance.
How good balance improves brain function
What does good balance have to do with preserving memory and brain function?
The cerebellum, the area at the base of the brain, governs balance, as well as precision, coordination, and timing.
It makes sure you can walk upright, put a spoon to your mouth, or hit a tennis ball. The movements of daily life keep the cerebellum in a constant state of activity.
It’s this constant activity that keeps the rest of the brain on its toes. A healthy cerebellum feeds the brain a steady stream of information to keep it actively firing and healthy. (This is also one reason regular physical activity is so vital to brain health and function.)
Bad balance leads to bad brain function
This explains why symptoms of cerebellum degeneration, such as bad balance, often tie into loss of memory, cognition, and brain endurance. The brain isn’t getting enough juice from the cerebellum to keep it charged and running well.
Brain overwhelm from bad balance
If a different area of cerebellum degenerates, this can overwhelm the brain with information.
The outer area of the cerebellum serves as a gatekeeper, regulating information that travels from the body to the brain. When this area of the cerebellum degenerates, the gates are left unguarded, and too much sensory input floods the brain.
Symptoms may include restless leg syndrome, tinnitus, hypersensitivity to stress, depression, fatigue, anxiety, and others that you wouldn’t think could be related to balance.
Can you pass this balance test?
- Do you wobble if you stand on one foot? How about with your eyes closed?
- If you walk in a straight heel-to-toe line do you stumble? How about with your eyes closed?
- If you stand with your feet together and close your eyes do you sway to one side?
- Do you walk with a wide gait, or feel like you’re going to fall if you don’t hold the handrail going down the stairs?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, your balance issues could be a sign of compromised brain health and increased risk of dementia later in life.
How to improve your balance and hence brain health
Since we know regular exercise is a must to preserve brain function, look for forms that emphasize balance. Ideas include specific balance exercises, yoga, tai chi, stand-up paddle boarding, dancing, and the use of a wobble board or Bosu ball. Just be safe and work within your limits!
Good balance is only part of a bigger brain puzzle
Good cerebellum health is important, but it’s not the end all. The inner ear, or vestibular system, also plays a vital role in balance and may need attention if your balance is off.
Also, screening for gluten sensitivity is important, as a gluten intolerance degenerates the cerebellum in many people.
Follow an anti-inflammatory diet and reduce stressors. The brain and cerebellum are very sensitive to inflammation from junk foods, sleep deprivation, chronic stress, and more.
And make sure you keep your blood sugar stable — blood sugar that is constantly too low or too high (or both) rapidly ages the brain and contributes to poor balance.
Diet Soda Kills The Brain and Makes You Fat
Millions of people drink diet soda in the belief they’re preventing weight gain, and the soda industry invests millions of dollars to perpetuate this belief. Research, however, paints a different picture — diet sodas are dangerous and can make you fat.
Artificial, low-calorie sweeteners used in diet sodas confuse the body and derange its ability to metabolize sugar and carbohydrates. This “confusion” increases hunger and sugar cravings.
Also, artificial sweeteners create imbalances in gut bacteria, boosting the bacteria that turn calories into body fat, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and inflammation.
Diet sodas bring bigger risks than obesity
The health risks associated with diet soda are far more serious than weight gain.
The primary sweetener used in diet sodas, aspartame (which goes by the benign-sounding names Equal and NutraSweet), has been linked to numerous cardiovascular conditions, including stroke, heart failure, and heart attack.
In fact, a nine-year study of 60,000 women showed women who drank two or more cans of diet soda a day were 50 percent more likely to die of heart disease.
Moreover, aspartame overstimulates the brain chemical dopamine, which over time can result in depression, migraine headaches, and seizures.
The other FDA-approved artificial sweeteners — saccharin, neotame, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium — have also been linked to increased risk for heart disease and other health conditions.
Aspartame is a controversial topic. It has been linked to myriad health conditions, some as serious as brain tumors, birth defects, cancer, and memory loss, and is behind numerous complaints to the FDA. However, industry science holds fast to its safety.
Fruit juice is not a healthy substitute
Unfortunately, fruit juice is not a healthy substitute for soda. Fructose is every bit as fattening and inflammatory as sugar or chemical sweeteners. Excessive consumption of fruit juice also puts you at risk of heart disease and diabetes.
In contrast, eating whole fruit also has you consuming fiber, enzymes, minerals and other healthful compounds stripped away by juicing. Also, chewing tells your brain that you’ve eaten, which reduces your appetite.
If you are addicted to diet sodas (as many people are), you may have to wean yourself gradually. Begin by substituting sparkling water with lemon or lime juice, or even just plain water, for some of your sweet drinks. Often when you think you want something sweet, you’re really just thirsty, and plain filtered water will do you fine.
With patience, you can develop an automatic preference for whole, healthy, unsweetened foods and drinks, largely because they make you feel better. After a while, the foods you crave most can actually be those that are best for your body.
Ask my office about transitioning to a whole foods diet so you can feel and function your best.
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A Comprehensive Approach to Healthcare
Most imbalances in functionality can be addressed; some can be completely restored to optimum function, and others can be substantially improved.
Prevention is paramount. Virtually every complex, chronic disease is preceded by long-term disturbances in functionality.
Changing how the systems function can have a major impact on the patient’s health. Functional medicine practitioners are holistic doctors who examine a wide array of available interventions and customize an action plan including those with the most impact on underlying functionality.
Functional medicine expands the clinician’s tool kit. Action plans may include combinations of botanicals, nutritional supplements, therapeutic diets, or detoxification programs. They may also include counseling on lifestyle, exercise, or stress-management techniques.
The patient becomes a partner. As a patient, you become an active partner with your functional medicine practitioner. This allows you to really be in charge of improving your own health and changing the outcome of your chronic ailment(s).
A Comprehensive Approach to Healthcare
Most imbalances in functionality can be addressed; some can be completely restored to optimum function, and others can be substantially improved.
Prevention is paramount. Virtually every complex, chronic disease is preceded by long-term disturbances in functionality.
Changing how the systems function can have a major impact on the patient’s health. Functional medicine practitioners are holistic doctors who examine a wide array of available interventions and customize a treatment plan including those with the most impact on underlying functionality.
Functional medicine expands the clinician’s tool kit. Treatments may include combinations of botanicals, nutritional supplements, therapeutic diets, or detoxification programs. They may also include counseling on lifestyle, exercise, or stress-management techniques.
The patient becomes a partner. As a patient, you become an active partner with your functional medicine practitioner. This allows you to really be in charge of improving your own health and changing the outcome of chronic ailment(s).
Schedule A Complementary 15 Minute Consultation
It’s a conversation, not a commitment.