Meet the Doctor
Dr. John Bartemus is passionate about helping you optimize your physiology and return to a state of health and function. He has experience helping people with autoimmunity, chronic infections, thyroid disorders, etc. Click below to get started:

What Is Functional Medicine?

Address the Cause
Typically patients come to us having been told that everything looks normal based on the standard tests routinely run by their medical doctor (physical examination, urinalysis, blood tests etc.). They know deep down that things are not “normal”…
- Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.
- The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.
- Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and addressing complex, chronic disease. In most cases it does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today’s lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.
- There’s a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous—as long as 50 years—particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness.
- Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, and exercise to both address and prevent these illnesses in their patients.
- Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.
- The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.
- Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and addressing complex, chronic disease. In most cases it does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today’s lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.
- There’s a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous—as long as 50 years—particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness.
- Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, and exercise to both address and prevent these illnesses in their patients.
About Us
John Bartemus, DC, CFMP, BCIM, Author
Dr. John Bartemus has over 15 years of healthcare experience.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease” – Thomas Edison
Dr. John Bartemus is a Chiropractic Physician who strives to meet the standard for health care that Thomas Edison set over a century ago. Now more than ever, our society needs holistic doctors who are devoted to finding the unique cause of each individual person’s issues and correcting it in a natural, drug-free way.
Time and research have shown that more drugs do not equal more health. Our nation is suffering from a burden of chronic disease that is not the result of a deficiency of pharmaceuticals. It is the result of a lack of knowledge as to what our bodies require to be healthy. Our society is built on a magic bullet paradigm, this will never lead to health. Disease did not happen overnight, neither will health.
If you are looking for an objective, evidence-based, holistic integrative health doctor to help you determine the cause of your dysfunction(s) and remove them, Dr. John Bartemus is here to help you.
We strive to provide current, evidence-based care that addresses the cause of your dysfunction.
We aim to:
- Provide hope and solutions for those suffering with chronic ailments
- Provide answers and explanations to “Why Me?”
- Give objective, evidence-based results
- Use testing to determine YOUR specific biochemical and physiologic CAUSE of your ailment
- Promote general wellness for all people and families that desire to live at full potential
- Bachelor of Science – Biology
- Bachelor of Science – Life Sciences
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
- Board Certified Integrative Medicine
- Graduate, American Functional Neurology Institute
- Board Eligible, Diplomate American Clinical Board of Nutrition
- Member, International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehab
- Member, PANDAS Physician’s Network
- Member, NC Integrative Medical Society
- Member, NC Physician’s for Freedom
Functional Medicine Charlotte
If you live in Charlotte, greater Charlotte, or Lake Norman area, you can easily get to our office via Highway 77. We are conveniently located off of exit 28 in Cornelius.
Chronic urgent diarrhea and stomach pain eliminated with Functional Medicine
This man suffered with chronic diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pain for over 20 years. In less than 6 weeks he is pain free and having daily solid stools without urgency.
You could be the next testimonial video!
Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H
John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte
Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.
High cholesterol, fear/avoidance of the sun, low vitamin D, and your heart disease and cancer risk
The media and dermatologists tell you to stay out of the sun due to supposed cancer risk. Could their recommendations be increasing your heart disease risk?
Sun and Tree photo by Drew Rae from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-tree-and-flying-birds-against-setting-sun-580685/
Woman with lightbulb photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-draw-a-light-bulb-in-white-board-3758105/
Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H
John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte
Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.
Chronic urgent diarrhea and stomach pain eliminated with Functional Medicine
This man suffered with chronic diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pain for over 20 years. In less than 6 weeks he is pain free and having daily solid stools without urgency.
You could be the next testimonial video!
Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H
John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte
Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.
High cholesterol, fear/avoidance of the sun, low vitamin D, and your heart disease and cancer risk
The media and dermatologists tell you to stay out of the sun due to supposed cancer risk. Could their recommendations be increasing your heart disease risk?
Sun and Tree photo by Drew Rae from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-tree-and-flying-birds-against-setting-sun-580685/
Woman with lightbulb photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-draw-a-light-bulb-in-white-board-3758105/
Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here: t.ly/UU_H
John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte
Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.
Functional Neurology, PANDAS, and PANS
If a child suddenly develops behavioral and neurological symptoms after a strep infection, PANDAS should be suspected. PANDAS is a neuro-immune disorder in which a strep infection triggers brain inflammation and the immune system starts to attack and destroy brain tissue, causing a sudden onset of neurological symptoms.
PANDAS stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections.
PANS, or Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome, is similar, except environmental factors or other infections trigger symptoms.
PANDAS diagnosis criteria
- Significant obsessions, compulsions, tics
- Abrupt onset of symptoms or relapsing and remitting symptom severity
- Onset prior to puberty
- Association with strep infection
- Association with neuropsychiatric symptoms, including PANS symptoms
PANS diagnosis criteria:
Abrupt, dramatic onset of OCD or severely limited food intake and the addition of at least two of the following:
- Anxiety
- Emotional swings and/or depression
- Irritability, anger, oppositional behavior
- Regression
- School performance deteriorates
- Sensory or motor abnormalities
- Sleep disturbances, urinary frequency, bed wetting
Functional neurology help for PANDAS/PANS
Because PANDAS and PANS involve the immune system, management involves testing markers for inflammation, infections, immune function, and brain autoimmunity (when the immune system attacks and destroys brain tissue).
It’s also helpful to conduct a functional neurology exam to identify compromised areas of the brain, as well as to establish a baseline of brain function.
Repeat testing can show you how well PANDAS/PANS protocols are working. Functional neurology rehabilitation may also help with recovery. For instance, therapies targeting different areas of the brain can calm an over active immune system and over activation of pathways.
Functional medicine help for PANDAS/PANS
Additionally, functional medicine strategies may include removing inflammatory triggers from the diet and the environment; nutritional therapies to lower inflammation and support brain health; addressing blood sugar, gut health, and toxicity; supporting neurotransmitters; and repairing mitochondrial function and the blood-brain barrier.
Conventional medical help for PANDAS/PANS
Therapies from the conventional model that have been shown to help include steroids and NSAIDs for inflammation; plasmapharesis (plasma exchange) to reduce antibodies; intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) to support immune modulation; and immune modulating medications when necessary.
Understanding the PANDAS/PANS brain
When PANDAS/PANS strikes a child — an estimated 1 in 200 children are affected — parents become both frightened and devastated. Understanding what is happening in the brain can help alleviate anxiety.
The functional neurology exam can help identify which pathways in the brain are affected. PANDAS/PANS typically affects communication loops between the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and frontal lobe.
Act quickly to address PANDAS/PANS
PANDAS/PANS is a significant and scary disorder, but taking action quickly improves the chances of an optimal outcome. For more information, contact my office.
Functional Neurology and Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders
More than one in seven children suffer from developmental disorders today. But this doesn’t mean change isn’t possible. The brain is enormously malleable, or plastic, and with the right input on a consistent basis using functional neurology, we often can improve brain function.
Common childhood brain development disorders today include:
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
- Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Asperger’s syndrome
- Autism
- Developmental coordination disorder (DCD)
- Nonverbal learning disability (NLD)
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
- Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)
- Tourette’s syndrome
- Chronic allergies, asthma, eczema, digestive disorders
How brain development disorders arise
These disorders can arise for a variety of reasons, such as:
- Environmental toxins interfere with normal brain development.
- A viral or bacterial infection interferes with brain development.
- The child has an autoimmune reaction against neurological tissue that prevents normal brain development and function. This can be passed on in utero from the mother or develop in early life due to an environmental, viral, bacterial, or dietary trigger.
Poor brain development unfolds in a variety of ways. For instance, important milestones in brain development, such as crawling, may be skipped. The brain is a highly complex network of multiple pathways. Proper formation of this network of pathways depends in part on the child going through each milestone of development.
When the brain fails to develop correctly, one hemisphere grows more slowly than the other, giving rise to various disorders that are either left-brain dominant or right-brain dominant. This is why we see kids who are intellectually advanced (left brain) yet socially and emotionally delayed (right brain). As this imbalance progresses, the brain finds it increasingly difficult to network between the hemispheres, causing poor function.
Also, infections and autoimmune attacks against areas of the brain sabotage proper development and hinder function in those pathways. For instance, the basal ganglia, which helps regulate involuntary motor movements, is a common site of viral and autoimmune attack. This can cause disorders such as PANDAS, OCD, Tourette syndrome, and tics.
Start with metabolic health of the brain
Functional neurology also includes addressing the metabolic health of the brain. If the brain is struggling with inflammation, iron deficiency, blood sugar imbalances, or chronic poor health from a bad diet, it will not respond as well to rehabilitation. Additionally, children’s brains require ample healthy fatty acids — EPA and DHA.
Metabolic issues to look out for with brain development disorders include:
- Inflammatory foods (sugars and junk foods) and food intolerances
- Chemical sensitivities
- Chronic infections — bacterial, fungal, or viral
- Digestive issues and leaky gut
- Autoimmune disease (when the immune system attacks and destroys tissue in the body, which can include the brain)
Functional neurology brain exercises for brain development disorders
Fortunately, functional neurology can address brain development disorders.
The types of brain rehabilitation a child needs depends on patient history and a functional neurology examination, which assesses brain function, areas of under and over development, and areas that are over stimulated or under stimulated. The functional neurologist can then tailor exercises to the brain environment and adjust them over time as function improves.
Many families report swift and significant shifts in behavior, mood, sociability, learning, and other brain-based signs.
Ask my office how functional neurology can help if your child has a brain based developmental disorder.
Brain Fog, Alzheimer’s, and Homocysteine
Brain Fog and associated signs and symptoms such as decreased mental clarity, decreased mental performance, increased occurence of loss of keys, and increased occurence of forgeting names with faces should not be shrugged off as old age. This may be an early sign of neurodegeneration that could progress to Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.
How can we know our risk? Are there lab markers that we can use to give us an indication of where we are on the spectrum of neurodegeneration?
Yes, there are. In today’s show we will dive into a couple and discuss what to do about it if your levels of these biomarkers are unhealthy.
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A Comprehensive Approach to Healthcare
Most imbalances in functionality can be addressed; some can be completely restored to optimum function, and others can be substantially improved.
Prevention is paramount. Virtually every complex, chronic disease is preceded by long-term disturbances in functionality.
Changing how the systems function can have a major impact on the patient’s health. Functional medicine practitioners are holistic doctors who examine a wide array of available interventions and customize an action plan including those with the most impact on underlying functionality.
Functional medicine expands the clinician’s tool kit. Action plans may include combinations of botanicals, nutritional supplements, therapeutic diets, or detoxification programs. They may also include counseling on lifestyle, exercise, or stress-management techniques.
The patient becomes a partner. As a patient, you become an active partner with your functional medicine practitioner. This allows you to really be in charge of improving your own health and changing the outcome of your chronic ailment(s).
A Comprehensive Approach to Healthcare
Most imbalances in functionality can be addressed; some can be completely restored to optimum function, and others can be substantially improved.
Prevention is paramount. Virtually every complex, chronic disease is preceded by long-term disturbances in functionality.
Changing how the systems function can have a major impact on the patient’s health. Functional medicine practitioners are holistic doctors who examine a wide array of available interventions and customize a treatment plan including those with the most impact on underlying functionality.
Functional medicine expands the clinician’s tool kit. Treatments may include combinations of botanicals, nutritional supplements, therapeutic diets, or detoxification programs. They may also include counseling on lifestyle, exercise, or stress-management techniques.
The patient becomes a partner. As a patient, you become an active partner with your functional medicine practitioner. This allows you to really be in charge of improving your own health and changing the outcome of chronic ailment(s).
Schedule A Complementary 15 Minute Consultation
It’s a conversation, not a commitment.