Inflammation and Leaky Gut

Inflammation and Leaky Gut

Inflammation and Leaky Gut Today we build on what we established regarding Nuclear Factor-kB and Inflammation in the episode on Hormone Imbalance.  This episode dives deeper into the global affects of NF-kB on health, including: Leaky GutLiver DetoxificationImmune...
Inflammation and Leaky Gut

Vitamin D and Chronic Disease

Vitamin D and Chronic Disease Over the last 10 years there has been an explosion of research into Vitamin D and it’s effects on health.  In today’s episode, Dr. John Bartemus will review a brand new study that presents a paradigm of Vitamin D that is...
Inflammation and Leaky Gut

What Causes Hormone Problems?

What Causes Hormone Problems? In this episode, Dr. John Bartemus answers a listener’s question regarding hormone issues and their causes.  This is a great episode to learn about the fundamental causes of hormone imbalances and how you can address them.  Before...
Inflammation and Leaky Gut

What is Functional Medicine?

What is Functional Medicine? Dr. John Bartemus explains the What, Why, Who, and Where of Functional Medicine.Our mainstream medical model has failed us.  The promise of the magic bullet cure has been nothing more than a pipe dream for years, yet marketing continues to...