Why Am I So Fat?

Why Am I So Fat?

Do you think that you are fat?  Have you tried losing weight via diet and exercise to no avail?  Does your self-esteem suffer due to your physical makeup?  Before you judge yourself, listen to this podcast episode and learn how you may be healthier than all your...
Why Am I So Fat?

Excitotoxicity and Brain Symptoms

Do you suffer with symptoms such as migraines, depression, constipation, ADD/ADHD, Dementia, or Brain Fog?  Have you tried medications and alternative treatments without results?  The cause to your problem may be Energy-Linked Excitotoxicity…  
Why Am I So Fat?

CDC Autism-Vaccine Cover Up

CDC Autism-Vaccine Cover Up A huge story has been unraveling over the last week involving the CDC’s cover up of evidence showing causation between MMR vaccines and autism.  Of course the mainstream media hasn’t said a word because they are controlled by...