by Dr. John Bartemus | Aug 25, 2016 | podcasts
Functional Medicine is the future of healthcare. What is it? What are the benefits? How is it different from mainstream medicine? All of these questions and more are answered using a case example of a patient with an Estrogen Dominance diagnosis.
by Dr. John Bartemus | Aug 22, 2016 | podcasts
Many doctors in mainstream medicine believe that gluten is harmless unless you have Celiac Disease or an IgE Wheat Allergy. Holistic clinicians and patients have observed otherwise clinically for years. Brand new research now confirms what Holistic clinicians and...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Aug 17, 2016 | podcasts
“Low T” is an ever growing complaint/diagnosis that men are entering my practice with. What is driving this increase in decreased T? Are testosterone injections the best answer for these men? What is the best way to evaluate testosterone to get the...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Aug 12, 2016 | podcasts
The movie Vaxxed, directed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, is a must see. If you are a parent and you vaccinate your children, you want to see this movie before giving them the MMR vaccine. There is a scientifically validated reason why the pharmaceutical companies do not...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Nov 21, 2015 | podcasts
Therapeutic Laser for Chronic Pain, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Brain Injury [ctt title=”Is Laser the missing link between your chronic disease and health?” tweet=”#Laser therapy shown to yield significant...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Nov 7, 2015 | podcasts
Infertility – Causes and Treatments from a Functional Medicine Perspective [ctt title=”Infertility solutions via Functional Medicine” tweet=”#FunctionalMedicine solutions for #infertility ” coverup=”5Gu2U”] Infertility has...