The Real Cause of Depression

The Real Cause of Depression

  #Depression is no longer (and hasn’t been for a while) considered to have a primary cause of #NeurotransmitterDeficiency   The most up to date #ScientificResearch shows that the primary driver is #NeuroInflammation   If we are seeking to...
The Real Cause of Depression

SIBO Causes and Treatment Targets

Gas and bloating are two of the most common symptoms that present in clinical practice.  According the the Journal of the American Medical Association, gas and bloating can be diagnostic of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).  Do you suffer from gas and...
Busting the Ice Myth in Soft Tissue Injury

Busting the Ice Myth in Soft Tissue Injury

I recently sprained my ankle during a workout and thought I’d use the experience as a teaching platform.  Today I dig in to the idea that the commonly voiced R.I.C.E. strategy for soft tissue injury is hurting you and slowing your return to action.  I cover the...