Most NeuroDegenerative Diseases Can Be Prevented

Most NeuroDegenerative Diseases Can Be Prevented

The bad news is rates of brain degenerative diseases — Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, ALS — are higher than ever and continuing to increase. The good news is most neurodegenerative diseases are largely preventable, but you have to start taking care of your brain...
3 Ways Gluten can Damage your Brain

3 Ways Gluten can Damage your Brain

Many people think they don’t need to go gluten-free because eating wheat doesn’t give them gut problems. However, the area of the body most often damaged by gluten isn’t the gut but the brain and nervous system. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, brain fog,...
Functional Neurology versus Conventional Neurology

Functional Neurology versus Conventional Neurology

How does functional neurology differ from conventional neurology? Conventional neurology diagnoses neurological disorders that can be treated with pharmaceuticals or surgery. Functional Neurology, on the other hand, identifies a broader range of brain disorders and...