by Dr. John Bartemus | Mar 8, 2018 | blog
The bad news is rates of brain degenerative diseases — Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, ALS — are higher than ever and continuing to increase. The good news is most neurodegenerative diseases are largely preventable, but you have to start taking care of your brain...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Mar 1, 2018 | blog
Scientists have proven what many of us have learned the hard way: Gluten, dairy, and processed foods trigger addictive responses in the same way commonly abused drugs do. The more processed (i.e., high carb) and fatty a food is, the more likely it is to cause...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Feb 22, 2018 | blog
Depression is very common today, affecting about 7 percent of the population, and is a leading cause of disability. Unfortunately, prescription medications provide no relief for many people and also do not address the root causes of depression, which can differ from...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Feb 15, 2018 | blog
We are increasingly learning the effects of traumatic experiences on the brain, and now, newer research shows these effects can be passed on to children’s genes. Research on Holocaust survivors showed that compared to control groups, their children exhibited genetic...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Feb 8, 2018 | blog
Many people think they don’t need to go gluten-free because eating wheat doesn’t give them gut problems. However, the area of the body most often damaged by gluten isn’t the gut but the brain and nervous system. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, brain fog,...
by Dr. John Bartemus | Feb 1, 2018 | blog
How does functional neurology differ from conventional neurology? Conventional neurology diagnoses neurological disorders that can be treated with pharmaceuticals or surgery. Functional Neurology, on the other hand, identifies a broader range of brain disorders and...