Do you suffer from iron overload or hemochromatosis? If so, iron chelation between blood donations (for hemochromatosis patients) can be a useful adjunctive strategy for keeping your iron levels down.

In this video Dr. Bartemus discusses:

A. 3 powerful iron-chelating foods.

B. Foods to avoid if you have high iron.

C. What cooking utensils to avoid if you have high iron.

Thumbnail credit: pexels-miriam-alonso-7622890 green tea

Get a FREE AUDIO copy of Dr. Bartemus’ Amazon International Best-Selling book, The Autoimmune Answer here:

John Bartemus, DC
Functional Medicine Charlotte


Disclaimer: *Please note that the information shared on this YouTube Channel is informational and educational and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Before implementing any information from this channel, please consult first with your primary care provider.