Person presents with 7+ years of #Dizziness #Imbalance #Anxiety and #EmotionalInstability

Multiple #Neurologists and #ENT have examined and imaged and said results were normal and recommended #Ativan #Xanax and #SSRI medications. This person does not want medications.

I reviewed the medical records from above doctors and found multiple #FunctionalNeurology abnormal findings in their diagnostics. These findings are DEFINITELY relevant to the case and NOT normal.

My examination confirmed the findings (still there 7 years later…it WILL NOT “just go away”).

I have confirmed neurologic abnormalities. Now we must determine WHY they exist.

A history of #TBI #TraumaticBrainInjury from a golf club is one factor.

#Cerebellum #Autoimmunity is another likely contribution, so is #GlutenSensitivity based on family history of #CeliacDisease (Mom). Lastly, a long history of #IBS implicates #GutBrainAxis contribution to metabolic dysfunction.

 Lab results will clarify these hypotheses.

 I love what I do!

